First lady of Tupperware returns to the Legacy Theatre

After taking Broadway and the world by storm, Dixie Longate, the fast-talking, funny and heartfelt Tupperware hostess-with-the-mostest, returns to Springfield for three shows March 10-12 that are sure to entertain.

If you've already seen Dixie's show, you're probably a fan of Dixie. For those curious to know more, I caught up with the Tupperware Queen before her return to the heartland.

You indicated you started selling Tupperware as a condition of your parole in 2001. Did you ever imagine you'd be such a success all these years later, even performing around the world?

I never, in all my life, thought that I would even be able to get a job after prison, let alone become the top-selling Tupperware lady in the entire U.S., which would take me all over the planet. I have now been in five countries sharing creative food storage solutions with people. It's been the most amazing experience, even better than sliding down a fireman's pole at the volunteer fire department.

You went online with Dixie's Happy Hour fundraisers during lockdown and now you're back to touring. What are some of your favorite things about being back to performing in front of a live audience?

While I am grateful that I got to spread some smiles and keep both myself and other people sane during the pandemic, there is nothing like being with people in the theater. I love hearing the laughter from people who are trying not to piddle on their seat because they find what is happening in the theater so stinking amusing. And not just onstage. Have you ever asked your friend for a piece of gum, but she pulls out her Wednesday panties from her purse instead of her pack of Big Red? You don't always match that experience at home on a Zoom call.

Do you have a particular highlight or memory from a Springfield show that stands out for you?

One of the things I love about the Legacy Theatre is that Scott Richardson, the owner of the theater, will do a little pre-party with some snacks before my opening night each time I am there. He never fails to provide the guests with all the club crackers and squeezy cheese they can consume. Then out comes a tray of Jell-O shots and another one of deviled eggs. Do you have any idea what skill it takes to eat all of that and then do a show? It has definitely made for a few memorable opening nights. I'll just leave it at that.

What's the most unconventional thing you've heard that someone used a piece of Tupperware for?

One time a lady said she used one of my giant bowls to catch a bat that had flown through her screen door and perched itself up on a bookcase. She put the bowl over it, slid the lid on it and trapped the bat inside. Then she took the bowl and threw it out in her yard. She went back the next morning after the sun came up and the entire bowl, with the bat inside it, was missing. I can only imagine the person who found that bowl and took it home thinking they were simply getting a free Tupperware bowl but opening it up to find every Halloween nightmare flying around the trailer.

Along with the humor, your show is described as an empowering and optimistic love letter. Why is sharing this message so important to you?

I think now, more than ever, we all need a little boost. It's important to remember that we have a little warrior inside of us that can inspire and ignite us when we need it most. I share my personal story and the story of the woman who created the Tupperware party, Brownie Wise, in hopes that the audience will see a similarity between themselves, me and Brownie and stiffen their spines to be a little more excited about the possibilities in their own lives.

Lastly, what would you say to someone who might be on the fence about coming to your show?

First of all, I'd say, "What the heck is wrong with you that you are on the fence about coming to share a night of laughter and fun and food storage?" Secondly, this show isn't just for ladies. I don't think there is a soul alive that won't smile at some of the alternative uses I have found for the fantastic uses of Tupperware.

This clever romp is for mature audiences. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 217-528-9760. And yes, Dixie will be selling Tupperware.

Mary Young was born and raised in Springfield has been performing in, producing and directing live theater for decades. She's done film and voice-over work and performs occasionally with the improv troupe The Portuguese Rodeo Clown Company. Their podcast is Radio 680: The Voice of Syracuse.

Mary Young

Mary Young was born and raised in Springfield and has been performing in, producing and directing live theater for decades. She's done film and voice-over work, performs occasionally with local bands and takes part in improv troupe The Portuguese Rodeo Clown Company.

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