Springfield Ward 6 Ald. Cory Jobe has proven himself a pragmatist by withdrawing from the mayor’s race before it has officially begun. Jobe, who has been ambition personified (he broke the six-figure mark in his campaign fund well before any other potential or declared mayoral candidate), hasn’t even finished his first term as an elected official. He faced the real prospect of getting shellacked by incumbent Mayor Mike Houston, whose steady hand at the city’s fiscal tiller will prove hard to trump. Better to live to fight another day than to wake up the morning after Election Day as an also-ran without any position at all in city government. This way Jobe can continue what he does best – fighting against slumlords and for garbage reform and standing up in many other ways for the city’s older neighborhoods. –Fletcher Farrar, editor and publisher

Fletcher Farrar

Fletcher Farrar is the editor of Illinois Times .

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