Just when we start to think we understand the game now being played at the Statehouse, we learn something that makes us not so sure. At first the Democrats’ position seemed to make perfect sense – that it’s wrong to hold the state budget hostage to win approval for the governor’s “Turnaround Agenda,” which we’d come to believe is just a right-wing anti-union tirade. But now that the Rauner administration has released the actual proposals, we find that they’re not all bad. Why not limit workers compensation to job-related injuries? Why not try to limit the kind of lawsuit venue-shopping that makes Madison County a judicial hellhole? Why not give local voters more authority to limit property taxes? These reform proposals are going to require a full debate, which could happen over the summer or over the next year, and a budget will have to come first. But at least they’re not as scary as we had feared. –Fletcher Farrar, editor and publisher

Fletcher Farrar

Fletcher Farrar is the editor of Illinois Times .

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