Susan Lawrence Dana (portrayed by Linda Schneider) invites you to her 157th birthday. Held at Maldaner’s Restaurant, Springfield’s oldest restaurant where Susan often dined, you can enjoy a gourmet dinner, music by the Virgil Rhodes Trio, a tour of the rooftop garden and readings from Susan’s letters. Tickets are $125 and include beer and wine. A cash bar will be available for other drinks. The event is sponsored by the Dana-Thomas House Foundation and proceeds will be used to support school field trips to the Dana-Thomas House. Reservations are required.

Susan Lawrence Dana birthday party
Oct 12, 6-9pm Sat
Maldaner’s Restaurant & Catering
Since 1884
222 S. Sixth St.

Cinda Klickna

Cinda Klickna is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Illinois Education Association.

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