Cycle through Springfield’s sites

As a precursor to Sunday’s 100-mile Capital City Century bike race, enjoy a free, 8-mile bike ride led by Naomi Greene and Jim Hajek of the Springfield Bicycle Club. The ride will occur on Saturday, Sept. 12, from 1-3 p.m. Cruise past the Lincoln Home, Lincoln’s Tomb, the Lincoln Herndon-Law Office, and other historical sites on an easy tour, approximately two hours in length and appropriate for all levels of cycling experience. A post-ride cookout, compliments of the Noll Law Office, will occur at The Lincoln Depot immediately following the ride. The Springfield Bicycle Club offers group rides year-round to a variety of destinations, with distances and paces to accommodate cyclists of all abilities and skill levels. For more information about this and other SBC-hosted rides, visit

Historic Bicycle Ride
Saturday, Sept. 12, 1-3pm
Noll Law Office, Lincoln Depot
903 E. Monroe St.

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