chickenfeedpoem #3

and then there’s the rooster in the
backyard hedge between us and
the neighbors he ate from the dog
dishes at their backdoor and ours
grew into a bold and brassy chap
who dashed out to peck our kids
in the sandpile that’s how he got
his name boldpick is coming! they
screamed scattering boldpick is
coming! when he began to draw
blood I said to my neighbor you
have to do something about your
rooster he’s a menace MY rooster
marge exclaimed we thought he was
YOUR rooster! we figured he’d been
someone’s easter chick escaped more
likely kicked out to fend for himself
when no longer cute just a bother
he’d found our mutual hedge comfy
safe good pickins established his
territory he wasn’t safe any longer
though the neighbors served him for
dinner admittedly a bit tough my kids
now say mom haven’t you written
enough about chickens for a while?
well turkey time is almost here . . . .

2011 Jacqueline Jackson

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