Birds, prairie plants and drones

click to enlarge Birds, prairie plants and drones
Master Naturalist Summit
Master Naturalist Summit
On Saturday, the Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary hosts a Master Naturalist Summit for those interested in volunteering with the University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalist volunteer program. The day’s events will include a short presentation about the Master Naturalist Program, a bird hike, a native plant hike, a talk on using drones in conservation efforts, plus a drone demonstration. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Master Naturalist program, enjoy the outdoors, and connect with fellow nature-lovers. Admission is free, but registration is requested, and can be completed online at or by calling 782-4617. The Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary is located south of Loami, and is open to the public daily from dawn until dusk. For more information about the sanctuary, call 553-2060.

Master Naturalist Summit
May 30, 9am-2pm
Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary
9560 Wither Road, Loami

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