Image by artist Steve Ruiz

The distinct whiff of failure is in the air at the UIS Visual Arts Gallery - but don't worry - that's exactly how it's meant to be.

Curator Trew Schriefer requested work from artists across the country that dealt with the subject of failure. "I wondered what it would be like to have artists come together in a show where the discourse of failure is already implied," Schriefer explained in a press release.

Among the artists sharing their inadequacies are John Phillip Abbott, Timothy Bergstrom, Valerie Brennan, Todd Chilton, Ryan Travis Christian, Bill Conger, Paul DeMuro, Austin Eddy, Andreas Fischer, Ted Gahl, Richard Galling, Benjamin Gardner, Ethan Gill, Shara Hughes, Stacie Johnson, Bob Jones, Brian Kapernekas, Judy Ledgerwood, Marcie Oakes, Michael Rea, Nina Rizzo, Steve Ruiz, Cordy Ryman, Trew Schriefer, Peter Shear, Geoffrey Todd Smith, Jason Stopa, Michael Wille, and Scott Wolniak.

Come out and sample the failure (along with tasty snacks) at the exhibit's opening reception, free and open to the public, this evening from 5:30-8 p.m.The UIS Visual Arts Gallery is located on the UIS campus in the Health and Science Building, room 201 (HSB 201).


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