The Jacksonville Area Museum, a new institution showcasing the community's unique heritage and culture, will officially open to the public on Saturday. Located in the old post office building, the museum will use original artifacts and storytelling exhibits to show why Jacksonville is a one-of-a-kind community. The exhibits prepared for the opening will feature institutions, retail businesses, Abraham Lincoln, medicine, sports and recreation, MacMurray College history and archaeology. New and updated exhibits will be offered periodically to encourage repeat visits. In addition, visitors will experience the atmosphere of the restored, early 20th century post office building, including its original oak woodwork and terrazzo and marble floors. Admission is free, but a $5 donation is suggested to help keep the all-volunteer museum operating. Public health protocols will be followed, which means that masks are required for all visitors. Visit or connect with the museum on Facebook for more information.

Opening day
Sat., Sept. 25, 10 a.m.
Jacksonville Area Museum
301 E. State St.

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