A contemporary take on classical ballet

Don’t miss the Springfield Ballet Company’s 24th annual contemporary approach to classical ballet. This year’s iteration is titled Rockballet: MIXTAPE, features live music by Down State and is a throwback to the nostalgia era of the 80s and 90s, when music was not available at the click of a button. According to the SBC’s artistic director, Julie Ratz, “Rockballet: MIXTAPE is a compilation of our choreographers’ carefully chosen pieces of music -- the music that they would absolutely put on a mixtape. Selection of the songs and the arrangement of the playlist are open to individual interpretation.” Tickets to Rockballet:MIXTAPE range from $21 to $33, and are available online at http://springfieldballetco.org/performances/rockballet.

Rockballet: Mixtape
Sept. 16-17, 8pm Sat, 2pm Sun
Sangamon Auditorium, UIS
1 University Plaza

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