This weekend, take in a performance of Deathtrap, a nerve-wracking thriller by Ira Levin, author of Rosemary’s Baby. The play is a joint production between Hoogland Productions and Playhouse on the Square. The story centers on Sidney, a playwright who hasn’t penned a hit in years. When a young author introduces Sidney to a new thriller, Sidney begins scheming murder, and a fun-filled fright night ensues. Deathtrap is sponsored by Corporation Service Corporation, and tickets to Deathtrap cost $20 for adults and $18 for students and seniors. To purchase tickets to Deathtrap, visit or call the Hoogland’s box office at 523-2787.

Jan 12-14, 7:30pm Fri-Sat, 4pm Sun
Hoogland Center for the Arts
420 S. Sixth St.
$20 adults, $18 seniors and students

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