Craft beer and Springfield history

Explore Springfield’s burgeoning craft beer scene during the Drinkin’ Lincoln Craft Beer Walk. These three-hour tours, hosted by Springfield Walks, are open to participants ages 21 and up and feature three stops in Springfield’s historic downtown Levy District. At each stop, brewers will explain the tasting notes and backgrounds of their beers and provide insight to the brewing process as you sample a flight of four tastings (plus a half pour at the last stop). Between stops, tour participants will hear unique stories about Springfield such as Lincoln and Prohibition tales, vice stories from the Levy District, ghost stories and more. All Springfield Walks tours require a minimum of six participants in order to take place, and reservations are encouraged by calling 502-8687 or by emailing [email protected]. More information about the Drinkin’ Lincoln Craft Beer Walk and other Springfield Walks tours can be found online at

Drinkin’ Lincoln Craft Beer Walk
Oct 12-13, 7-10pm Fri, 2-5pm Sat
Meet in front of the Old State Capitol
1 Old State Capitol Plaza
$45 per person;
must be 21+