Get Your Roses Ready for the Season
April 16, 5:30pm. Barney Bruzetti on getting your roses off to a good start and keeping them beautiful all summer. 30 minute presentation followed by Q&A session. Free to public. Gardens in front of Building #30, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-1698.
Grow Springfield Annual Spring Event
April 16, 5-7pm. A celebration of the planting stage of Grow Springfield, a network that unites, supports and promotes community gardens and urban agriculture. Appetizers, cash bar, live music by Arlin Peebles. $30. Maldaner’s, 222 S. Sixth St., 522-4313.
Beginners Bonsai
April 22, 6-9pm. Participants will receive hands-on experience styling and potting their own bonsai. Hosted by Springfield Bonsai Society. Preregistration required. $20. University of Illinois Extension, 700 S. Airport Dr., 782-4617.
Springfield Jaycees Lawnmower Clinic
April 25, 8am-1pm. Lawnmowers serviced. $45 for a two-cycle motor or $55 for a four-cycle motor. O’Reilly Auto Parts West Jefferson, 1501 West Jefferson, 793-1872.
Illinois Native Plant Society Plant Sale
April 25, 9am-2pm. Purchase native Illinois prairie and woodland plants grown by INPS members. Commodity Pavilion, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-1698.
Organic Turf Seminar
April 25, 10-11am. Mark McWilliams on organic and sustainable products that bring soil back to life. Free to public. CopperTree Outdoor Lifestyles, 3111 Cockrell Lane, 793-0900.
Ani-Mall Mega Pet Expo and Adoption Event
April 25, 10am-2pm. Shop, adopt, activities, demonstrations. Well-behaved pets on leashes welcome. $3, portion of proceeds support local animal shelters. Illinois State Fair Grounds Exposition Building, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-6661.
Kitchens in Bloom Home Tour 2015
April 26, 12-4pm. Featuring homes in Buckley Ridge Subdivision, developed by Ryan Homes and Development. Hosted by Junior League of Springfield. $15 advance, $20 at door. 544-5557. Buckley Ridge Subdivision, Calla Lily Lane, Springfield.
Introduction to Sustainable Landscaping
April 28, 1:30pm. Horticulture educator Chris Enroth discusses sustainable lawns, handling stormwater, healthy soils and reducing your eco-footprint. Preregister at University of Illinois Extension, 700 S. Airport Dr., 782-4617.
Monarch Butterfly Program
May 2, 10am-12pm. First of three programs for adults and families on monarch conservation. Free. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 529-1111.
Raising Backyard Chickens Right
May 4, 6-8pm. Learn about home-scale poultry production. $5. Preregister, [email protected]. University of Illinois Extension, 700 S. Airport Dr., 782-4617.
Springfield Civic Garden Club Plant Sale
May 9, 8am-12pm. Thousands of plants recently dug from local gardens. Bring pots for recycling. Free. Sale Barn 26, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-1698.
Annual Iris Show
May 9, 12-4pm. Hosted by Sangamon Valley Iris Society. Flowers of many sizes, colors. Free to public. Washington Park Botanical Garden Exhibit Hall, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 546-4116.
Busting Garden Myths
May 12, 1:30pm. Kari Houle, Extension Educator Horticulture, discusses the most common garden and plant myths and gives recommendations for better plant care. Preregister, University of Illinois Extension, 700 S. Airport Dr., 782-4617.
Illini Bird Fanciers Bird Fair
May 17, 9am-4pm. Breeders with varieties of birds and supplies. $3, kids free. Illinois Building, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-1698.
Dividing Perennials
May 21, 5:30pm. Demonstration by master gardener volunteers on how to divide various perennials, ornamental grasses, mums. 30 minutes followed by Q&A session. Gardens in front of Building #30, Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., 782-1698.
Spicing Up Your Herb Garden
May 23, 5-6pm. Learn about essential plants to have in the herb garden as well as interesting feature plants including Savory, the 2015 Herb of the Year. Presentation by David Robson. Free, preregister by May 19. Dana-Thomas House, 301 E. Lawrence, 782-6776.
Annual Iris Plant Sale
July 25, 1-4pm. Iris plants for sale in all colors of the rainbow. Join local iris society and/or American Iris Society. Washington Park Botanical Garden Exhibit Hall, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 546-4116.
Annual Iris Sale
Aug 8, 9am-12pm. Purchase iris of many sizes, colors. Hosted by region 9 of the American Iris Society. Open to public. Washington Park Botanical Garden Exhibit Hall, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 546-4116.