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If you need immediate information about memory loss, caregiving or local resources, please call our 24/7 Helpline at 1.800.272.3900. One of our highly trained Helpline Specialists will be happy to answer questions and provide the information and support you need.
Uploaded by Stacy Fehring Kelly
If you need immediate information about memory loss, caregiving or local resources, please call our 24/7 Helpline at 1.800.272.3900. One of our highly trained Helpline Specialists will be happy to answer questions and provide the information and support you need.

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's PLUS Ten Football FUNdamentals to Boost Your Football IQ

Tackle the stigma of Alzheimer's by learning the 10 warning signs. next, Coach Suzanne shares 10 Tips to Increase Your Football IQ. You'll build lifelong memories by getting into the game with the pig-skin lovin' people in your life!

Suzanne Stoneall is a gifted speaker and former NFL employee who loves to break down the game of football for everyone in a fun and entertaining way.

Offered through the Alzheimer's Association, Illinois Chapter - Springfield office.

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