Springfield Jaycees Lawn Mower Clinic
Apr 13, 9am-12pm Sat. $60 includes inspection to check filters, change spark plugs, sharpen blades and change oil as necessary (filters replaced at an additional cost). Push mowers only. springfieldjaycees.net. O’Reilly Auto Parts West, 1501 W. Jefferson St., 217-793-1872.

Woodland Wildflower Sale
Apr 13-14, 8:30am-4pm Sat., 1-4pm Sun. Native shrubs and flowers. lincolnmemorialgarden.org. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1111.

Brown Bag Lunch: Recycle Right Illinois
Apr 17, 12-1pm Wed. Free. 217-558-6696. James Jennings and Melissa Silva from the Illinois EPA will discuss common recyclable materials in curbside collections, typical recycling errors and options for less common items. Bring your lunch. illinoisstatemuseum.org. Illinois State Museum Research and Collections Center, 1011 E. Ash St., 217-785-0037.

Springfield Jaycees Lawn Mower Clinic

Apr 27, 9am-12pm Sat. $60 includes inspection to check filters, change spark plugs, sharpen blades and change oil as necessary (filters replaced at an additional cost). Push mowers only. springfieldjaycees.net. O’Reilly Auto Parts, 699 W. Stanford Ave., 217-522-8528.

Wildflower Hikes
Apr 27-28, May 4-5, 2pm Sat.-Sun. Go in search of woodland wildflowers with a garden naturalist. lincolnmemorialgarden.org. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1111.

Native Plants and Pollinators
Apr 27, 1pm Sat.  Learn about the pollinators that help keep our world blooming.  Lincoln Library, Carnegie Room, 326 S. Seventh St., 217-753-4900.

Earth Awareness Fair
Apr 27, 1-5pm Sat. Free. Featuring food, music, workshops, animals, kids’ activities and over 40 exhibitors. springfield.il.us. Old State Capitol Plaza, between Sixth and Fifth streets at Adams, 217-789-2255.

Shred Event
May 3, 11am-12pm Fri. Donations to benefit Senior Services of Central Illinois are appreciated, but not required. centralILseniors.org. Senior Services of Central Illinois, 701 W. Mason St., 217-528-4035.

Gardenpalooza Plant Sale
May 4, 8am-12pm Sat. Locally grown perennials, summer bulbs, annuals, garden market and silent auction. Bring your plastic pots to recycle. Free. Illinois State Fairgrounds, 801 Sangamon Ave., Springfield, 217-782-6661.

The Springfield Downtown Pollinator Project
May 8, 6:30-8pm Wed. Free. 217-793-2178. Master gardener Susan Helm and Chef Michael Higgins will be talking about the current pollinator project.  Lincoln Library, 326 S. Seventh St., 217-753-4900.

Go Batty for Bats
May 10, 7:30pm-9pm Fri.  Members free, non-members $2, $5 families. An outdoor presentation followed by an after-dark walk through the gardens surveying for bats using an ultrasonic microphone.  lincolnmemorialgarden.org. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1111.

Baking and Cooking with Vegetables
May 10, 9am-3pm Fri. $50 fee includes ingredients, recipes and lunch. Discussion and recipe reviews follow. Herbs, flowers and vegetable seedlings available for purchase.  Jubilee Farm, 6760 Old Jacksonville Rd., 217-787-6927.

Prairie Wildflower Sale
May 11-12, 9am-4pm Sat., 1-4pm Sun. 217-529-1111. Sun loving prairie plants available for sale. lincolnmemorialgarden.org. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Dr., 217-529-1111.

Old Capitol Farmers Market

May 18, 8am-12:30pm Sat. Local farm and artisan vendors selling fresh produce, artisanal baked goods and cheeses, flowers and more. S. Fourth and E. Adams streets, 217-544-1723.

Litchfield Pickers Market
Jun 8, 9am-3pm Sun. The Litchfield Pickers Market is the largest open air market in the region, specializing in all items prior to 1980. Items include vintage, antique, collectible and upcycled items. Downtown Litchfield, 400 N. State St., 866-733-5833.

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