click to enlarge Letters to the editor 5/9/24
Parking on the east side of this section of Fourth Street, in front of the Springfield Art Association, is prohibited now that it has transitioned to a two-way street.

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People already drive like idiots downtown, I can't wait to see how long it takes for them to figure out these changes ("A new direction: Portions of one-way streets to become two-way," April 25).

Katelyn Montgomery



While I'm not able to understand how making Fourth Street traffic go both ways will improve the fortunes of downtown Springfield, I can predict with some certainty that its two-way traffic will reek during the Springfield Art Association's annual Edwards Place Fine Art Fair.

Parking to attend the event is always a hassle, with attendees parking blocks away.  Making Fourth Street two-way and removing the on-street parking will most likely strain the event.  People will have to choose between either accepting even more distant parking or not attending, since two-way traffic is neither conducive to attending or to making purchases that have to be toted back to their vehicles.  Those coming in from out of town are likely to get frustrated with the change. 

I'm guessing this year there will be a drop in attendance, a few fender-benders and possibly an injured pedestrian or two.  After experiencing these woes, I would then guess that attendance would drop even further in 2025.

Chuck Moles



The fire department goes on more emergency medical technician calls than fire calls. Not a surprise. They are stating they want a city ambulance service, but when they have to assist in the back of an ambulance they complain (Firefighters lobby for city-operated ambulance service," April 18).

This is evident by the taxpayers having to pay a 1% raise to "paramedic-level" firefighters who ride inside private ambulances when needed and care for critically ill patients during transport to hospitals. Aren't all the firefighters at the paramedic level? If not, why did we pay all the firefighters that raise? With less fire calls, it sounds like the fire department should be reduced and a separate EMT department created.

A paramedic does not make more than a firefighter, so salaries would be reduced, which would be less strain on taxpayers' money. Tough decisions, but times are changing. Hopefully the mayor and city council members can make decisions based on the city, not on donations.

James Patton



I enjoy the food columns by Peter Glatz. His column about cornbread was particularly on point about good cornmeal for your cornbread ("Make cornbread with heirloom corn," April 25, at I have purchased cornmeal from Anson Mills and Carolina Gold for cornbread preparation. My wife calls it my snooty cornbread (she says the same about the rice they sell), but the type of corn used really does make a difference in the flavor.

If you like cornbread try the recipe Glatz offers, but keep experimenting with it until you find the combination you like for a tasty bread. I always make sure to use lard and a touch of white flour instead of all cornmeal for our cornbread.

Brian Bandy
New Berlin



Thank you so much for the wonderful, thorough, enticing article about the 2024 Liturgical Arts Festival ("Liturgical Arts Festival returns to Springfield," May 2). Your reporting is sure to draw crowds. I cannot thank you enough for pulling this together in such short time. I appreciate your support, help, time and interest.

Delinda Chapman

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