Seven-time Grammy award winning drummer, Paul Wertico, formerly of the Pat Metheny Group, joins local musicians David Cain & Senses, including David Hoffman, formerly with the Ray Charles Orchestra, at the Hoogland Center for the Arts on June 2. You’re in for a genuine treat on many levels. A Feast for the Senses features a world-class mixture of jazz and blues music, projected imagery, dance, and the option of an eclectic dinner by Chef Shaun Moore and a meet-and-greet, all to benefit the Hoogland. Limited tickets have been sold for a dinner and pre-show meet-and-greet at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Don’t miss any part of the experience.

David Cain & Senses featuring Paul Wertico
Saturday, June 2, 8pm
Hoogland Center for the Arts
420 S. Sixth Street
$25 concert

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